Professional Termite control services Provider
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Termites also known as white ants live as a social colony consisting of queen, king, solders and workers. Queen controls and runs the society as leader for food, security and reproduction. Workers make the tunnel path to harvest cellulose food in any kind of materials in any place.
Termites mostly feed on dead plant material and cellulose, generally in the form of wood, leaf litter, soil, or animal dung.
Termites show 4 castes distinctly:
Termite queens have the longest lifespan of any insect in the world, with some queens reportedly living up to 30 to 50 years. The queen of the colony is responsible for egg production for the colony.
The king mates with the queen for life.
Soldiers have enlarged heads, that are hard and yellow to brown in color, with large mandibles that are used to puncture termite enemies, primarily ants. The soldier caste has anatomical and behavioral specializations, and their sole purpose is to defend the colony.
Are Blind and Sterile, Construct mud tunnel, causes damage to property and are millions in number. Worker termites undertake the most work within the colony such as foraging, food storage, and brood and nest maintenance. Workers are tasked with the digestion of cellulose in food and are thus the most likely caste to be found in infested wood.
Most worker and soldier termites are completely blind as they do not have a pair of eyes.
The life cycle of a termite begins with an egg, and goes through incomplete metamorphosis.
Egg to nymph and adult stages. Nymphs resemble small adults and go four moulting stages and nymphs go through three. Nymphs first moult into workers, and then some workers go through further moulting and become soldiers or alates.
Most termites are blind, so communication primarily occurs through chemical, mechanical and pheromonal cues. . The most common way of communicating is through antennation. Termite antennae have a number of functions such as the sensing of touch, taste, odours (including pheromones), heat and vibration.
Termite identification and symptoms:
The location of all areas of termite activity
or limitations for treatment
Termite management is challenging. Successful termite control begins with thorough termite inspection. Termites are not easy to detect
Key inspection areas:
This provides termites with easy access from one structure to another. Consider informing the neighbors if an infestation is found
Termites can also infest adjoining structures such as garages, sheds and carports.
Termites may gain access through the perimeter expansion joint or through ceiling or roof voids.
The report should clearly record: