Professional mosquito control services Provider
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Mosquitoes are the most important insect pests affecting the health of people and animals in all climatic conditions.Mosquitoes are cosmopolitan . Most of the Females of most species are ectoparasites and feed on blood.. Different species feed on the blood of various kinds of hosts, mainly mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, etc.
Imporatnt Species of Mosquitoes that act as disease vectors:
Mosquitoes go through four stages in their lifecycles: egg, larva, pupa, and adult or imago.
In most species, adult females lay their eggs in ( on the surface of ) stagnant water. The female mosquito needs to have a blood meal to obtain nutrients to produce eggs. It sucks blood by puncturing its mouthparts to the skin, injects a small amount of saliva into the wound and feeds on blood. The saliva makes penetration easier and prevents the blood from clotting during feeding. Male mosquitoes feed only on nectar, plant juice and liquid carbohydrate and they die shortly after mating. However, females feed blood meal and will live for about a week to month. Some species live up to 6 months.
Mosquitoes can act as vectors for many disease-causing viruses and parasites. Infected mosquitoes carry these organisms from person to person without exhibiting symptoms themselves.
Mosquito-borne diseases include:
Mosquito life spends 80 % of their life in water. Ie eggstage, larval stage, pupa stage and adult fly out of water body. As mosquito lavae moult four times before they become pupa.,Use of Insect Growth Regulator finds very effective way as larva cannot molt and evertually die. However , IGR will not impact on the eggs , pupa In the water.
Adult mosquito is effectively controlled by use of cold fogging in the environment and Indoor Residual surface treatments.